Homeloved Mama

I am a Mom of two, who homeschools, crafts, bakes, and loves God. This is where I can share my love of being a stay-at-home Mom with all of you.

Tag: Halloween

  • Simple Ghost Themed Kids Halloween Party

    Simple Ghost Themed Kids Halloween Party

    Hello friends!!! My goodness it has been busy this year. I am so sorry I disappeared this summer and the first couple of months of school. Life has been crazy, and I just haven’t had time to devote to my blog. Now that things have calmed down somewhat, I decided to get back into blogging… Read more

  • Halloween Party Piñata and Easy Games for Kids

    Halloween Party Piñata and Easy Games for Kids

    I hope everyone had a great week! We took a break from homeschool this week, so we could get things done around the house. My daughter finished up the first 9 weeks of her curriculum, so it was a well deserved break. We were also expecting some snow, so my husband and I got outside… Read more

  • Kids Craft: Halloween Zombie Minion Cookie or Candy Jar

    Kids Craft: Halloween Zombie Minion Cookie or Candy Jar

    With Halloween just around the corner, this seemed perfect for my first crafting post. This particular craft came about, because of an animal cracker container. I don’t know about everyone else, but when my family finishes a container of snacks, it tends to sit on our counter for a good week before we decide to… Read more